Warning: The API documentation is linked to the Travel Roam production environment.
Any actions completed via the documentation will have a live, instant effect on your Travel Roam Account. It exists to allow for rapid integration with your own platforms but should be used for testing purposes only. Please DO NOT use this documentation page to service real end user orders or requests.
V 1.6
V 1.5
V 1.4
V 1.3
V 1.2
V 1.1
Changes to the Travel Roam API can be found here. New releases introduce breaking changes. Old API versions will continue to receive bug fixes and internal updates, however the API is fixed.
Version 1.6
1. We are excited to announce the launch of our new Sandbox environment, designed to help you test and develop your integrations with TravelRoam. Here are the key details for using the Sandbox environment:
- Sandbox Environment URL: To switch to the Sandbox environment, use the following URL: https://sandbox.travelroam.com/api.
- Live Environment URL: To switch to the Live environment, use the following URL: https://travelroam.com/api.
- Authentication Key: For the time being, the authentication keys(X-API-KEY & Clientsecret) for the Sandbox environment will be the same as your Live environment key. You can obtain or manage your authentication key from the following URL: https://travelroam.com/web-portal/api. Which can be used for both of the environment Sandbox and Live.
- Wallet Information: Please note that your Sandbox wallet and Live wallet are separate. Make sure you are using correct environment URL.
- Checking Organization Balance: You can check your organization’s balance using the API endpoint for Organization Details.
Version 1.5
- 1. In this release we are introducing eSIM Revoke endpoint. The revoke process will immediately revoke the eSIM from your account - you will no longer be able to access it.
- 2. Upon purchasing an eSIM, we have optimized our processing time significantly. You will now receive a quicker response.
- 3. If you find that you are receiving identical results repeatedly from the Catalogue API endpoint, We recommend utilizing pagination by specifying the page and perPage parameters. This approach helps to fetch different sets of results in manageable chunks, ensuring you can access all the data available without redundancy. Don’t forget to add region or countries. On the same Categories endpoint you need to pass either “countries” or “region” in this endpoint. For efficient response generation, please limit the 'countries' field to 58 countries at a time. Using more than 58 countries may slow down response times. Use the API only when necessary; otherwise, store the data locally to avoid overloading the server.Please use either 'countries' or 'region' at the same time. If both are sent, only the 'region' will be processed. You can add multiple countries in the 'countries' field separated by commas as example - BO, BR, CL, CO. But regions do not support this comma separated thing.
Version 1.4
- 1. We do not recommend using our API endpoints within a CRON system or any other method that results in rapid, repeated API requests. Such practices can place unnecessary load on our servers and our service provider.
- 2. If you require real-time data, we suggest making API calls directly and using the API response data without saving it to your database. You should call these APIs at the specific times for specific user when you need to display or process the data (e.g. show data balance). This approach ensures optimal performance and reliability for both your application and our services. Otherwise, we may need to impose rate limits on your requests. Please note that for other List Response type APIs, such as Catalogue and Bundles, you need to save the data to your own database.
- 3. Please check the new iPhone Oneclick Installation
Version 1.3
Process Orders
A 503 error essentially indicates that the service is unavailable. As the issue is often temporary, please try submitting your request again after a few minutes. You need to amend some incremental delays on your side for fetching the eSIM Information after Purchase an eSIM. Please keep in mind that you don’t need to amend incremental delays on Process Order API, You need to do it for fetching QR related information - eSIM Assignments. The incremental delay should be such as 2 seconds for the first retry, 4 seconds for the second, 6 seconds for the third, and 8 seconds for subsequent retries. However, fetching QR-related information (eSIM Assignments) sometimes can take up to 10 minutes, so the retries should be up to 10 minutes.
Version 1.2
Process Orders
- 1. - You can only buy more data or services for your eSIM from the same mobile network provider that gave it to you. Trying to add a package from a different provider will give you an error message because they don't work together. Also, buying an eSIM for one country and then trying to use it to purchase a bundle for another country isn't allowed. Please keep in mind that LATAM bundles are not supported in Version - 1.2.
- 2. - We are passing a variable named 'unlimited', which determines whether the bundle is unlimited or not. We are sending boolean values: 'true' for unlimited bundles and 'false' for limited ones. You can identify which bundles are unlimited and which ones are not by using the 'unlimited' key values.
Version 1.2
- 1. LATAM is discontinued. Instead of LATAM use South America.
- 2. Puerto Rico(PR) is not supported.
- 3. Antarctica region is not supported.
- 4. We are passing a variable named 'unlimited', which determines whether the bundle is unlimited or not. We are sending boolean values: 'true' for unlimited bundles and 'false' for limited ones. You can identify which bundles are unlimited and which ones are not by using the 'unlimited' key values.
Version 1.2
Callback is enabled now.
Version 1.2
- 1. The 'Content-Type' header should always be set to 'application/json'.
- 2. Please take a 5 - 10 seconds delay before each Bundle Purchase request